
Viet Nam Veterans of Diablo Valley

Viet Nam Veterans of Diablo Valley



About Us

The VietNam Veterans of Diablo Valley (VNVDV) established in 1991 to promote & enhance the image of the VietNam Veteran through Support of fellow Veterans - those currently serving in the military & Community Service. The VNVDV is a local - ''grass-roots'' & ''all volunteer'' - non-profit Veterans Service Organization. We operate from the beautiful Veterans Memorial Building for the San Ramon Valley located in The Town of Danville on Hartz at Prospect. VNVDV meets monthly at Crow Canyon Country Club on the 1st Thursday of each month - 5 PM for Social - followed by ''chef's-choice'' Buffet Dinner at 6 PM. All all-you-can-eat dinner is $25.

All dinner.meetings are ''OPEN'' - to all... veterans, spouses, guests, friends & community supporters. Monthly dinner meetings are relaxed, casual & fun, consisting of dinner - Introductions & Featured Guest Speaker. An enjoyable evening with friends & supporters... plus interesting historical speakers - no business! NO RSVP necessary (except Dec. holiday gala) - join us anytime!
We are the most active Veteran Service Organization in the east bay with programs - projects & events supporting our veterans & those currently serving. We encourage the community to support our annual Super Sunday Crab Feed - 1st Sunday of FEB each year & the Walk of Honor for our Veterans on Armed Forces Day. Visit the VNVDV at: www.vnvdv.org and we are on Facebook too!

''Proudly we Served''
''Proudly we continue to Serve'' - our Community - Veterans & those who are Proudly Serving our Nation.''


Visit our VNVDV website for more information
VNVDV in Danville's 4th of July Parade
VNVDV founded & designed Danville's All Wars Memorial at Oak Hill Park
All Wars Memorial - Oak Hill Park - Danville - site of east bay Memorial Day program
Walk of Honor for our Veterans on Armed Forces Day - 3rd SAT in May - Join us!
VNVDV sponsors East Bay Stand Down
Stand Down helps over 450 Homeless Veterans
VNVDV provides Color Guard on holidays
Conduct Operation Santa for active-duty military families locally in need
Viet Nam Veterans of Diablo Valley Celebrate 30 Years of Service in Community

Rep/Contact Info

View Personal Bio
John Garfield Reese